Click on the first letter of your town or city to find your Senator. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y. Abbot - Senate ...
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As defined under Article IV, Part Second, Section 1 of the Maine Constitution, the Senate currently consists of 35 Senators. Each Senator is elected for a term ...
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The Senate currently consists of 35 Senators. The Constitution requires that the Senate be reapportioned every 10 years, by the Senate itself.
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All members of the 131st Maine Senate have been elected to serve a two year term. A Senator must be a citizen of Maine for at least one year.
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Welcome to the Maine Legislature. Quick Access to Legislative Papers and Documents. Paper or LD Number Full Bill Search.
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Pursuant to Senate Rules and Senate Orders, the President shall appoint Senators to the following Senate Standing Committees.
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Senate Democratic Majority Office. Eloise A. Vitelli, Senate Majority Leader ... Visit the State House. Tour Guide • Accessibility • Security Screening ...
Maine does not have a Lieutenant Governor. In the event the Governor cannot serve, the President of the Maine Senate is next in line to fill the vacancy. Phone: ...
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The Maine Senate is the upper house of the Maine Legislature, the state legislature of the US state of Maine.
Henry Ingwersen (D-York). Senate District 32: In York County: Arundel; Biddeford; Dayton; Hollis; and Lyman. Mailing Address: 3 State House Station ...
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