Alice, the keeper of the Lee family history, shared the stories of their family. The Mockingbird Next Door is the story of Mills’s friendship with the Lee sisters.
This book follows and sheds new light on Burke's political, literary, and personal life by examining a wide selection of the caricatures in which he was featured.
Walker Percy (1916-1990), the reclusive southern author most famous for his 1961 novel The Moviegoer, spent much of his adult life in Covington, Louisiana.
This final volume of Shelby Foote’s masterful narrative history of the Civil War brings to life the military endgame, the surrender at Appomattox, and the tragic dénouement of the war—the assassination of President Lincoln.
... M. Henry . L'Industrie Electrique , vol . 30 , no . 698 , July 25 , 1921 ... In author's opinion , most efficient utilization of thermal value in coal ... Foote - Burt shop . Receiving material and shipping finished machines ...