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inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... office of secretary of the treas-j ury great as that office Is, but subject to ... treasury In author-. ity over the sub-treasury of New York (city. city. Interested in Finance. "In my service as assistant treasurer of the United States ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... government instituting quarantine against European and American trading .\essels, the effect of which Is practical stoppage to commerce. They desired the government lo tnke some action to relieve matters. It is considered probable thai the ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... in author- ty to borrow from the U.S. Treasury to make loans Tor economic development projects abroad. In addition, Kennedy wants 51.6 billion in borrowing authority for overseas economic projects each year for the four years after next ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... Office and Brief Sketches of the Gilmon Denies That He Wants ... treasury department vice V. \'l. Smith, resigned. Byrnes is president of tbe ... United states governor at Alaska tor prosecution under the law. Officers of ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... states for foreign aid, Mr. Mandela was expressing the views of the ... United States is to have any African policy at all, it must begin here, with ... Treasury Henry Morgen- thau, Jr., that the State Department had been engaged ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... Treasury of tbo United States with funds assigned to a certain Federal body ... office, appointment or employment In or under tbe government of the United ... In author- f^,, nt t\tn I present work as an emorgoiicy, | nnd that ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... United States to call an international conference: "Be it enacted, etc ... in author- izing the appointment of the Venezuelan commission to locate the ... treasury. One of these two will be <a tariff bill to increase the revenue ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... in the drive toward statehood. He was Ida- h o ' s U.S. marshal from Fred ... state finally had enough of Dubois and his Mormon bashing He lost a major ... Treasury Department, eventually brought the counterfeiters to justice. J.
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
NO. 9689. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFPirra OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY ... United States, required to oe compiled with before an association shall bo ... In author, laod to commence tho business of banking a* provided tn section ...
inauthor: United States. Dept. of the Treasury from
... treasury. Chairman Couzcns of tho I Bating committee declared In tl nte that ... United States It !>li collected." Accompanying tho formal from Commissioner ... department t not substitute Its present Jud,, for the honest ...