... M. the Anelo Americans to the South West, incluuding a history cl ihe 3e.admg events in Mexico, from o the copqaest'by Fernando Cortes to the termination o n of the Texan Revolution, hy Henry Smart Foote ... m ihe lutun- siate, being an ...
... M. the Anelo Amencans to the South W«-st, incluuding a history of the leading events in Mexico, from o the conquest by F«rnancJo Cortes to th« termination o n of the Texan Revolution, by Henry Stuart Foote, in s. Just received and for ...
... m. McKin ,„,.,,. „„, ..... streets Wayne hat Bo!. Bel'., ol that. writing ... Henry G. Thayer, which takes place to-day. Mrs. J. L. Weaver, who has been ... Foote. actually the smallest perfectly developed woman in the world ...