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hace 10 minutos · The Roswell incident is a conspiracy theory which alleges that the 1947 United States Army Air Forces balloon debris recovered near Roswell, New Mexico was ...
hace 1 minuto · Nov. 9—Each year on Aug. 12, a small community in France holds a memorial ceremony to thank a Dixon man, an American soldier who was killed overseas during ...
hace 55 minutos · potus_geeks - the new blog in LiveJournal. There should be new interesting records soon.
hace 53 minutos · Former President Trump will host a political rally at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, which is expected to draw thousands of guests days before the ...
hace 23 minutos · De vest-allierte soldatene var støttet av rundt 5 000 skip, og over 11 000 fly, mens kun rundt 300 tyske fly var i luften invasjonsdagen. De alliertes invasjon ...
hace 19 minutos · It's a Palestinian Sunni Islamist political and military organization that has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007. Hamas launched an attack on Israel in October ...
hace 8 minutos · Sainte-Mère-Église : toute l'actualité en direct, soyez informé des événements, des sorties, de l'agenda, des loisirs et des sports tout au long de la ...
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