condor andino from
Describes how naturalist John McNeely adopted an Andean condor born in captivity and how he worked with the bird, allowing it to fly free and using it in traveling educational programs.
condor andino from
Stunning color photographs of the region's landscape, plants and animals bear concise, explanatory captions. The Andes is an expansive book that beautifully captures the extraordinary environments of this spectacular mountain range.
condor andino from
... Cóndor Andino, lives in the jungle up to 4,000 feet and is solitary, with a poor sense of smell. (So much for the word “royal”.) The Bolivian novelist Alcides Arguedas includes a parable about the condor in his 1919 novel Raza de bronce ...
condor andino from
... Cóndor cunca “cuello del cóndor”, nombre de una montaña Cóndor andino “Vultur gryphus” Laguna del cóndor Especie de papa, (traducción: mujer cóndor) Congona planta medicinal “Peperomia spp.” para gingivitis Contisuyo (región oeste del ...
condor andino from
... andino está perdiendo su hábitat preferido . La caza también está afectando las poblaciones del tapir de montaña ... Condor gryphus , podría matar tapires juveniles o recién nacidos . Casi todas las enfermedades del tapir andino ...
condor andino from
... Andino de Telecomunicaciones por Satelite : Proyecto CONDOR , " p . 35 . 181. Corporacion Andina de Fomento , Carta de la CAF , ( no . 53 , Caracas , Venezuela , July - August , 1982 . 182. TELECOM , Sistema Andino de Telecomunicaciones ...
condor andino from
... Condor. Vultur. gryphus. Spanish: Cóndor Andino German: Andenkondor French: Condor de Andes Taxonomy: Family Cathartidae Size: Length 40–51 in (100–130 cm); wingspan >126 in (>320 cm); 18–33 lb (8–15 kg) Estimated world population ...
condor andino from
... Condor Andino " to have freedom for navigation of the waters of Lake Titicaca , on condition it is used exclusively for coasting trade . The " Condor Andino " is the property of the Chipana Company . Railways . A contract has been ...
condor andino from
Hey! Hold that train. I want tickets for two. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
condor andino from
... condor cóndor andino Andean condor cóndor californiano {noun} California condor cóndor de la selva {noun} king vulture cóndor de los Andes Andean condor cóndrulo chondrule cónica {noun} conic section cónico {adjective} conical cónsul ...