A stunningly dark thriller and a tapestry of noir, Villain is the English-language debut for Shuichi Yoshida, one of Japan’s most acclaimed and accomplished writers.
... Yoshida family , Takeouchi Tsuna , had been imprisoned in one of our northern provinces on a charge of having been in league with the rebels during the civil war of 1878 , and it seemed to me that a taste of prison life might not be so ...
The work of George Kennan in making political stability and economic recovery the top goals of the United States became critical in the face of the developing Cold War.
During half a century after the war Japan's economy was built up from scratch to the world's number two, while its foreign policy has been described by many as passive and even verging on being non-existent.
Thus, this book not only serves to enlighten readers on current issues in Japan – it also provides sociological perspectives on contemporary gender inequality.
Thus, this book not only serves to enlighten readers on current issues in Japan – it also provides sociological perspectives on contemporary gender inequality.