In 2013, the Harvard Business Review cover story on Lean declared it essential not just for startups but for the survival of large corporations. And it all started with this one book. Who would've thought? Steve
This book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies (ICACIT 2021) held at NCR New Delhi, India, during March 20–21, 2021, jointly organized by ...
The book ends with a chapter on decision theory. The concepts in the book are explained at length, and illustrative explanations are given precedence over complex mathematical notations.
... examen de admisión a la carrera . Conozcamos mejor a nuestros estudiantes en el desarrollo de la siguiente matriz FODA : Figura 2 . Matriz FODA del estudiante de primer semestre de la FAU - UNSA . INTERNO FORTALEZAS 1. Pasión por la ...
As the only comprehensive taxonomy of nursing-sensitive interventions available, this book is ideal for practicing nurses, nursing students, nursing administrators, and faculty seeking to enhance nursing curricula and improve nursing care.
Published on the occasion of the opening of the full digital edition of the autograph manuscript of Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala's Nueva corónica y buen gobierno (1615) on the website of the Royal Libary, Copenhagen, this new book by one of ...
This question has been of keen interest because of the importance we place on a correct understanding of human nature.This collection of essays edited by Eric Johnson and Stanton Jones offers four different models for the relationship ...