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Spanish word that means either egg or testicle. 1. I will eat huevos rancheros (eggs in a burrito). 2. You ain't got one huevo to fight me.
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Spanish word that means either egg or testicle. 1. I will eat huevos rancheros (eggs in a burrito). 2. You ain't got one huevo to fight me.
literally:my eggs; euphemism for "my balls", meant as a cry of disbelief. Mis Huesos is can also be used. Just like "my Ass" is used in english.
Term to express a situation in wish you have to push yourself over the limit. Situation that requires courage to overcome.
1. South American Colombian Spanish word for 'cockteaser', Calientapolla is a Mexican or from Spain. Ah esa, Calienta Huevos!
Translates to "hairy eggs" but means hairy balls. Huevos peludos causes the "Huevos" nut sack to sweat more and get fomunda cheese (cheese from unda the ...
Spanish spoken for teh usual says\ing that goes like "suck me balls, yo". If u use it too much, you might just get it. finally, sometimes gross stuff can be ...
Slang for "deez nuts". "Hey man, what did you get from the store?" "I got some cheese, bacon, and deez huevos.".
May 17, 2017 · Yeah, huevos is eggs. The testicles have many nicknames in Spanish: huevos, pelotas, bolas, cojones, etc. In Mexico we usually don't say cojones ...