The New 'Super Smash Bros.' Game Features Every Fighter Ever

Over 60 characters are coming to the next big Switch game.
This image may contain Helmet Clothing Apparel Human Person and Super Mario

The big video game hype conference, E3 is in full swing right now, and Nintendo's new announcement will get just about everybody excited: the next iteration of Super Smash Bros., that game that made you cry tears of frustration when you were eight, is coming later this year, and it will feature every character ever included in the franchise thus far.

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That means Mario. That means Link. That means Sonic the Hedgehog. Yes, that means Snake from Metal Gear Solid. On top of that, Metroid's Ridley is joining the fray, amounting to a roster of over 60 characters. That's more than a quarter of a tweet!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is out on December 7, 2018. Get ready to hit a lot of buttons real fast.