MIDI footswitch suggestions for QC

I’m new to QC and the Forum. I use the QC on my desktop. I’m interested in getting a MIDI footcontroller for looping. I’ve gotten suggestions for the MC6 on TGP. Not sure if I want to spend that much - but I’d consider it if that’s my only option. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Check out the Blackstar Live Logic. I’m using it for Scene changes and tuner. I have it wireless with CME Widi Master and 9V battery. It’s well built and affordable.

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The black star is a ok option. The Mc8 is the all around best option for the QC since you have 8 switches. The cost is actually slightly higher than the mc6 which I see you mentioned was somewhat high. But you have a complete integration with the QC since morning star has included a script for almost all the commands.


MC8 pairs very well with QC, and I expect this to improve significantly as NDSP provides more comprehensive MIDI support. So it’s probably a good long-term investment. I have two, one on my QC pedalboard, and another that stays connected to the computer to control NDSP plugins.


Morningstar is also coming out with a new MC Pro version. It looks great and has a lot of features higher end midi pedals have. I am hoping to get one when it does. Scribble strips are a nice feature.

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appreciate your input. I’m not opposed to spending money - so long as I’m getting equal or more value from my purchase. I gigged for several years - but now I’m just a bedroom player. I play along with YouTube backing tracks most of the time. G.A.S definitely has me ‘wanting the shiny new thing’ - but the reality is I’d probably just use it now and then for looping - hence my reluctance. Not so much a ‘money-thing’ as much as it is a ‘value-thing’. It certainly is a gorgeous unit though. Thanks for your suggestion.

Thanks for your response. TheBlackstar Live Logic looks like a great option. I found this demo vid:

It’s seems relatively intuitive (as far as MIDI goes). I like the desktop editor too. As I told jamsden, my application will be pretty basic. I’m just a bedroom player now. I’ll really only use it for some basic switching. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

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The cheapest option would probably be Behringer FCB1010, plenty of switches to go around but huge. I am using an Airstep but it’s quiet expensive, works great though.


The large size on the Behringer would be a deal-killer for me. I saw a review of the Airstep on YouTube. It looked pretty cool. That one’s on my short-list of possibilities. I appreciate the input.

I use a couple different modes on the airstep, one to change the QC mode, one to use the 8 channel looper on Loopy Pro (which is utilizing the QC USB interface), other as midi commands for triggering extra sounds etc.
I used to have a Voodoo Lab Ground Control but it became obsolete since the QC can also send midi commands to the Voodoo Lab Pedal Switcher. The Airstep also gives me 2 extra expression pedals that can also be used with the QC. Definitely smaller then the Behringer and also fits perfect on the top of the QC.


Nice rig. Functional and tidy. The AirStep and the Blackstar Live Logic are topping the short list now. Thanks for sharing your rig.

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I use a MIDI Maestro to switch gig view, tuner, mode change and to control the looper. Works really well and fits on my pedalboard.

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That looks cool. I see it has scribble strips. Do the names on the QC show on the MIDI Maestro?

You program the scribble to whatever you want. And you can program dual press for on off commands with their own scribble. Also multiple pages. I have the looper commands on a separate page. A switch on the first page switches to the looper page and one switch on the looper page switches back.

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brucegregori and jamsden - took your advice and ordered the MC8. Went down a deep rabbit-hole on MIDI controllers. Almost pulled the trigger on the MC6 - but in reading the reviews for MC6, a lot of people said that - if they could go back and do it again - they would have bought the MC8. I just bit the bullet and spent the cash. Thanks again for your input. Looking forward to diving into the MC8.

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Great! Yes the Mc8 is better than the 6 for sure. It takes a bit to get used to it but the library they have set up for the QC is great and has many of the commands you already need.

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I got the MC8 and I’m very happy with it.


Check out the Voes MX Midi controllers:

6 different models with 5-18 buttons.

Control your Quad Cortex:

  • Presets & Banks
  • Scenes (*)
  • Block On/Off
  • Looper functions
  • Tuner
  • Tempo

More info on www.voes.be


That’s the exact model Voes I use. The templates are great!

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I’m looking into this for live purposes. One of my main beefs in using the QC so far is that I accidentally hit the wrong switches all the time. I sing, so I can’t stare down at my QC.

What is the button spacing like on the Blackstar? Further apart or are they the same as the QC?

Thank you in advance :slight_smile: