Vacationing in Máncora with the Girls!

The medical students had a week off at the end of June, which gave us three free time to relax, explore Trujillo and Huanchaco more, and to possibly vacation at another location. We decided to vacation for the 4th of July in Máncora, a beach town 8 hours north of Trujillo, when Jenna and Karely had a break from their practicum.


(Máncora is located in the north of Peru, the furthest north that we traveled!!)

We booked a room with 5 beds at the hotel El Mar y Sol, which gave us ocean-side views, as well as a pool area to relax at. We took an overnight (bus cama) ride to Máncora, and quickly fell in love with the continuous warm weather and sun!


(We arrived at 5 am, and were able to catch part of the sunrise from our cabaña!!!)

We traveled from the bus station to the hotel (a surprisingly short distance — unknown to us before our arrival to the hotel) by moto-taxi, a common form of transportation in Peru. These consist of either bicycles or motorcycles that pull a passenger trailer. Moto-taxis are very cheap, but very dangerous..!



(A Moto-taxi similar to the ones we took to our hotel!)

We spent the weekend celebrating American Independence Day by relaxing on the beach, by the hostel pool, exploring the town, and by FaceTiming our families 🙂



(L to R: Karley, Jenna, Carly, Ashley. I took the photo! Our first time “swimming” in the ocean in Peru!!!!)



(The surprisingly heavenly pool at our hostel. There was also a swimming pool to the left — not pictured. We enjoyed reading on the chaise lounges in the shallow water!!)


(Each cabaña had its own hammock! I quickly fell in love!!!!)



(Example A: Relaxing in a hammock after FaceTiming my parents 🙂 )



(We also indulged in Piña Coladas on the beach outside of our hotel!! 🙂 They were very cool and refreshing! Yum!)


(L to R: Karley, Jenna, me, Carly. A few of us took a sunset walk along the beach during our last night in Máncora.)



(We HAD to take sunset pictures on the rocks on the beach!! It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!)



(Máncora’s main street that is lined with surf shops, small restaurants, and tourist shops! Proof that we actually left our spots by the pool to explore the town 😉 ).

We had an incredibly relaxing time while in Máncora!! We were able to read for pleasure (rather than study), and lay in the sun, which we often lacked in Trujillo.

We returned from our vacation as “bronze goddesses”, and could ALMOST pass as Peruvian (minus the fact that we have differing facial features..)!!